Brief History of NDA battalions and squadrons

Once the selected candidate reports at the Academy the candidate is allotted one of the 18th models which will now become his home for the next three years this cordons are named as the following after greek symbols
Battalion 1. (ABCD)

alpha squadron, bravo squadron, Charlie squadron, Delta squadron

Battalion 2. (EFGH)

Echo squadron, FoxTrot squadron, Golf squadron, Hunter squadron

Battalion 3. (IJKL)

India Squadron,Juliet Squadron, Kilo Squadron and Lima Squadron

Battalion 4. (MNOP)

Mike Squadron, November Squadron , Oscar Squadron and Panther Squadron

Battalion 5. (QR)

Quebec Squadron and Romeo Squadron

Amongst all the above squadron and as mentioned he scored fight for the honours in the renowned inter-squadron championship trophy. The championship squad and leaves behind a legacy of being the possessor of the champion banner which is at display during the parades and other athletic events. 

Composition of each battalion and squadron

A total of 18 squadrons are there and divided into 5 battalions. Each squadron  has approximately hundred to 120 gentlemen cadets almost equally divided for six terms. 

Life of a NDA Cadet In the Academy

The cadets are provided with bicycle to travel around in the academy. The total training period of NDA course is of six terms that is three years which is further divided into two terms each.

Everywhere there are two terms

Term One Spring (January to May)

Term Two Autumn (July to December)

The three years training the corrects or trained, taught along with various sports.

Cadets at Nda can opt for various courses to choose from that Is BSC or BA. Degree is provided from Jawaharlal Nehru University. The classes are held every day and their regular examinations just like other colleges in the country.

Traditions of Each Nda Squadrons

Each battalion has its own tradition, all these traditions or set by the seniors and are to be replicated by the junior cadets. It is the legacy of the seniors which needs to be carried forward by the juniors along with the squadron colours. These NDA squadron traditions have become somewhat a Heritage by which each of the squadron is known for. 

The NDA aspirants should know about these traditions and should vouch to keep these traditions alive. The handling of these traditions also becomes somewhat of an ice breaker between the senior cadets and junior cadets. The third termer cadet will be the overstudy for the first termer cadet and will get the best out of the first termer along with the regular does of raged which makes it the fun part of joining NDA . 

Let us list down a few of the tradition of various squadrons for you

  1. Alpha is known for being best in the cross country and produces the best long distance runners.
  2. Bravo is generally known for best banner
  3. Charlie is the drillcom king 
  4. Delta produces the best boxers
  5. Echo again is known for its cross country runners
  6. Foxtrot maintains its legacy as being the best in volleyball
  7. Golf known for best banner and lights out at proper time
  8. Hunter Best in boxing and best squadron in games
  9. India Is known to best in academics
  10. Juliette produces the best in terms of basketball
  11. Kilo is known for its announcement
  12. Lima is the squadron for camps
  13. Mike is known foreign best In games 
  14. November Pt competitions 
  15. Oscar games
  16. Panther known for its public speaking and oration skills
  17. Quebec  games
  18. Romeo known for being best in academics lawyers produces the toppers Battalion 

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